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The Chair of Laser Technology & Spectroscopy at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Helmut Schmidt University / Bundeswehr University, Hamburg (HSU / UniBw H) offers the post, to the earliest possible date, of a

PhD Student Position

(PhD candidate; pay grade E 13 TVöD; 26 hours per week)

for a limited duration of three years.

The research activities at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering focus on fundamental laser research for civil uses with a special emphasis on spectroscopic applications. Our fields of research range from the development of disk laser oscillators, dual-comb spectroscopy and XUV frequency combs to the investigation of non-linear effects in solids and the extension of laser technology in the infrared range [1,2]. The newly developed laser systems and spectroscopic methods offer a broad potential for applications in next-generation non-linear microscopy and nanoscopy, as well as in medical diagnostics, particularly, in breath analysis.

The main focus of the position offered is on the realization of different non-linear effects produced by ultrashort pulse lasers, such as self-phase modulation, soliton self-compression and Raman scattering within a novel geometry based on dispersive multipass cells (see figures). Not only is the demonstration of the feasibility of these nonlinear effects planned, but also the scaling of energy and output. Combining this technology with the recently developed femtosecond dual -frequency comb thin-disk laser spectroscopy [3] is another very promising prospect. Parts of this project are planned to be implemented in cooperation with DESY in Hamburg, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics and University of Regensburg.

This position will offer you the opportunity to advance the state-of-the-art ultrashort-pulse laser technology in a very dynamic and extremely well-equipped international laboratory. Join our team to fully discover all your potential!

[1] J. Zhang et al. und O. Pronin, „Multi-mW, few-cycle mid-infrared continuum spanning from 500 to 2250 cm?1“, Light: Science & Applications 7, 17180, 2018.
[2] https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-019-1850-7
[3] https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.10303

  • Developing new methods of non-linear spectral broadening and pulse compression using a free space multi-pass geometry
  • Combining this technology with the world’s first dual-frequency comb disk laser oscillator
  • Application of the developed technology in novel non-linear ultrashort-pulse spectroscopy, microscopy and nanoscopy
  • University degree (German diploma or Master's degree) in physics or engineering, desirably with the emphasis in photonics
  • Good command of the English language


  • Candidate (m/f/x) must be highly motivated and have the excellent ability to perform as a team member, while displaying creative problem-solving capability
  • Capacity for independent work, commitment and flexibility
  • Candidate (m/f/x) must be willing to complete his / her PhD degree
  • Inexpensive food options at the university canteen (three times per day)
  • A multi-faceted, diverse and demanding position in an application-oriented research environment
  • Advanced individual training possibilities
  • Proportionate contributions to supplementary pension scheme
  • Workplace at a green campus university in the eastern part of Hamburg with flexible working hours and free sports programme within the occupational health scheme
  • Possibility of using the Bundeswehr-owned car sharing
Erstellt am: 26.08.2021 | Gültig bis: 09.09.2021

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Helmut-Schmidt-Universität - Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg

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