MEYER WERFT, based in Papenburg, is a company with tradition. For more than 200 years ships of most different types have been built by the experts working for this family-owned company. Today our production premises count among the most modern ones in the shipbuilding industry. The company is especially known for the construction of huge, modern and sophisticated cruise ships. Individual components such as drive systems, landscape interiors, custom steel structures, glass fiber networks and theater stages interlock harmonically and form a highly complex overall system: a floating city.
Worldwide leading cruise shipping companies rely on our ships. At MEYER WERFT about 3,000 people are working in interdisciplinary teams on technical innovations, new design concepts and assembly methods to achieve ambitious goals together. Exciting challenges are waiting for you here, because modern shipbuilding presents complex requirements to all people involved. Are you ready to bring in your expertise and creative ideas?
For the next possible date we are looking for our Sales & Design department for a
We offer an interesting position in an innovative and future-oriented company with an attractive payment. Come on board and join the team of MEYER WERFT.
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